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 Click to purchase The Dragonfly and the Ladybug and see a preview.

LADYBUGS: BENEFICIAL INSECT! In Florida, there are about a hundred known species of ladybugs. The adults and larvae of most of them feed on soft-bodied insects like scales, aphids, whiteflies, and mites. Ladybug adults are distinctive, round, flying beetles that come in many colors. But the larvae look very different, and are often mistaken for pests.
If you do use a pesticide, choose one that targets only the pests you’re having trouble with. Finally, provide the pollen and nectar sources that beneficial insects like. Try selecting a wide variety of plants with many small flowers that bloom at different times of the year.
Note: From Facebook, Native Florida Plants Identified.

And today (March 7, 2022) I have a Kindle Vella Story LIVE! The first episode of Anna's Journey may be read here.

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